Which Cell Phone Plan is Best for Senior Citizens?
Though if you are looking for a cell phone plan for senior citizens but you can’t decide which cell phone plan is best for senior citizens. So when it comes to most buy a cell phone then you can find here for senior citizen a best cell phone with a best plan. Here you can find aarp cell phone plans reviews, through this reviews you can get the most popular to their different offers and plans for their senior citizens. So we can discuss some of the cell phone plans which cell phone plan is really best for seniors.
Though, a lot of cell phone companies offering some of phone and discount plans only for senior person a few cell phones plan is one of them. But there has been some binding to get those advantages of the facility or those service of discount plan. There are some plans , the most popular plans for seniors. These basic plan allows older adults to have reliable cellular service at a more affordable price.When it needs to texting or internet services on the cell phone of seniors, this plan would not be for them.
AT&T cell phone plan: If you’re 65 or older, the AT&T Senior Nation plan gives you 200 Anytime Minutes, Unlimited Mobile to Mobile Minutes, and 500 Nights and Weekends minutes, without roaming and long distance charges. This plan will only cost $29.99 and works with all non smartphones.However, that rate is for AT&T’s most basic plan that includes texting and data services which are not included in the Senior Nation plan.
So, while it appears to be savings, it is actually a reduction of services deemed unnecessary by AT&T for senior citizens.This monthly service plan gives you access to the company’s network and also gives you $.45 per minute. There is also a monthly Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge. This is $1.25 per month.If you want to get this phone there are a few things to know about the AT&T Senior Nights plan.
sprint unlimited 55+ plan: The Unlimited 55+ plan costs $70 a month for two lines of unlimited talk, text and data. (If you want to drill down into the nitty-gritty, the first line costs $50 a month, and the second costs $20, assuming you’ve enrolled in autopay.) Sprint suggests this pricing is for a limited time.
T-Mobile Unlimited 55+ Plan : T-Mobile offers an Unlimited 55+ plan that gives seniors the option of getting two wireless phone lines for $70/month with Auto Pay. If you just need a single line, the cost is $50/month with Auto Pay. This plan includes: Unlimited talk, text, and data.
Verizon Senior Phone Plan: Seniors can save on expensive cell phone service with 55 Plus plans from Verizon and T-Mobile. Those 55 and older can pocket up to $50 a month with Verizon’s Go Unlimited plan, which includes unlimited talk, text and 4G LTE data. One line is $60; two are $80 per month with auto pay.
If you really want to get these cell phone plans then you can try to get through applying process. Because there are some rules to get these cell phone plans. If you are eligible for this phone plans then you can get and you can also try to pick up these cell phones and their plans.