What companies offer low income internet?
In the recent world, internet access is a crucial factor. I mean, you need internet access to conduct a lot of activities. Much as it is important, millions of people cannot afford to access it. This is as a result of financial strain, a common problem experienced throughout the world.
Fortunately, the government introduced a lifeline assistance program that helps low income families access free internet services without strain.It depends on where you live, what providers service that area, and provide verizon internet for low income families.
To get free internet services from the government lifeline program, your income must be equal or less than 135% of the federal poverty guideline. However, these guidelines vary as per your residential state and the size of your household. Many of the companies below provide low cost internet for low income family.
1.T-Mobile offers
T-Mobile has always been in the low-cost game. They only recently came out with these budget plans because of the Sprint merger. Before this the cheapest plan was $40. I’m comparing three plans from T-Mobile the new2 and 5GB plans, and a10GB plan, which isn’t low-cost but is the only plan that can semi-compete with mints 12GB plan. I’m comparing these to Mint Mobiles 3, 8, and 12 GB plans. So how do the plans stack up.
2. Assurance wireless
Assurance wireless one of the four major carriers in the US. With this, you get a good deal of Unlimited talk and text plus 2 GB of data every month at zero cost. As for eligibility, one has to show proof to be under the lifeline program through participating in food stamps and or federal poverty guidelines.
Assurance wireless is another great company that participates in lifeline programs to provide free internet services to eligible users. In places like the US, the company offers 2 GB free monthly data, while in California, eligible members get 5GB free monthly data.
3. AT&T offers
If you use a lot of data, it might make more sense to go with AT&T Extra or Elite. They have really high de-prioritization thresholds meaning, with those plans you can use more data before your data might slow if the network is congested. AT&T’s Postpaid plans also come with slightly more perks, so if you want HBO Max for free, or you want to text over 120 countries vs just over 100. Then one of the postpaid plans is for you.
If you were to choose between these plans, I’d go with Prepaid Unlimited Plus. All around it offers the best value and gives me everything I need without paying an arm and a leg. Which plan would you choose?
Final verdict
If you qualify for other government subsidies as a low-income family such as Food stamps, Medicaid, rental assistance are great qualities that may ensure you benefit from free government deals as a tax paying citizen. While it is notable some of the services as a free internet may be hard to get directly.If you belong to a low-income family, you will be much easier.